The Biggest Fashion Trends of the 90s


The Biggest Fashion Trends of the 90s

Fashion trends of the 90s were defined by a massive return to minimalism, compared to the excessively flashy and gaudy trends of the previous decade. One notable trend was the popular adoption of tattoos, body piercings as well as earrings, besides other types of body-modifying techniques. This art form has been prevalent since the ancient times and has always been a symbol of personal power and transformation. However, with the change in styles, it has also become a part of everyday dressing and has recently been adopted by youth.

The most prominent trend during this decade was the midriff-baring fashion. Women who wore their hair cropped or in straight lines made the style looks great and sexy. Other women chose to wear accessories such as jewelry, belts and earrings to complete the look. The tank tops that were a part of the fashion during the early part of the decade also made a come back after some time, and were worn by women both young and old. Although tank tops once dominated the midriff, other trends such as the baggy jeans and the cropped pants also made a huge impact on the fashion scene.

The 1990s also witnessed the introduction of many new hairstyles. For women, the bangs swept the nation, while men adopted short hair cuts. The popular hairstyles of the decade are discussed below.
